Helene Dancer
Director, producer, writer

The Exponential Era series

The Exponential Era series
The Exponential Era series
  • Video
  • / The Exponential Era series

Celebrating Nokia's network effect

Nokia, once synonymous with burner phones and snake, relaunched itself in 2023 as a B2B innovation and technology company.

It came to Bloomberg Media Studios to create a content campaign to introduce its new focus to the Bloomberg audience.

We created The Exponential Era, a three-part series of long-form articles and short-form videos, telling stories of innovation, collaboration and sustainability.

The videos were fun to make. We placed our talent in front of massive screens at a virtual production studio (thank you CUBE Studio!) to create an intriguing environment to tell stories about the technology saving the oceans, radical collaboration, and building networks on the moon.

The campaign ran across Bloomberg.com, and full and cut-down versions of the videos were used as pre- and mid-roll ads on Bloomberg Originals.

We delivered video and page views well above the benchmarks set at the start of the campaign.

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